Understanding how people learn – the Affective Context Model

Nick Shackleton-Jones, Manager of Online & Informal Learning at the BBC, has created a video explaining the Affective Context Model and what it means for learning. He talks about how emotion plays a part in the way we learn. This provides me with an opportunity to highlight my presentation at the TCUK conference, “Documentation as… Read more »

How the curse of the jilted Technical Author hit Google

Beware the software developer who releases software without adequate user assistance (in plain English: user guides and online Help) for “The curse of the jilted Technical Author” may strike your product. This curse has just hit Google, who last week announced the demise of Google Wave. Google released Google Wave without any online Help or… Read more »

The tiny, tiny user guide

Here is a scan, in actual size, of two pages from a user guide that came with a speaker we purchased this week: Less isn’t always more, particularly when it comes to the size of the typeface.

Ellis to speak about documentation as an emotional experience at TCUK 2010

Ellis Pratt, Sales and Marketing Director at Cherryleaf, will be speaking at this year’s Technical Communication UK conference on “Documentation as an emotional experience for the user”. Many organisations are starting to look at creating a ‘customer experience strategy’. This is management-speak for generating customer advocacy, brand loyalty and an emotional attachment to a product or company…. Read more »