Video on the future of publishing

Penguin has released a very clever presentation on the future of publishing. Make sure you watch it all, as it shows the future can be viewed both positively and negatively. It is based on an Argentinian political advertisement called “The truth”.

Help in the clouds

Earlier this week, Google announced the launch of the Google Apps Marketplace, promising a one-stop shop for Web-based applications. Organisations will be able to build their individual suite of Web-based applications that integrate with Google’s own applications (for example, its word-processor and email applications). The idea is that you’ll have “best of breed” applications from a range of suppliers, rather than… Read more »

Turning technical documentation into an emotional experience (for the customer)

One of the most recent trends organisations are starting to look at is creating a “customer experience strategy”. “Customer Experience Management” is management-speak for generating customer advocacy, brand loyalty and an emotional attachment to a product or company. With so many people describing their experiences as customers via Social Web sites, Blogs and other media, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure customers have… Read more »

Will “Context is King” apply to user assistance?

Ashkan Karbasfrooshan has written an article called “Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online“, in which he argues: Times have changed. In fact, less and less often do consumers even seek out content by actually going to a given site. To paraphrase Jeff Jarvis, if something is important, it will find me, be it… Read more »

The “Beyond Documentation” Webinar videos

Scriptorium Inc has uploaded the “Beyond Documentation” Webinar Ellis delivered back in August 2009. In this session he looked at the future of technical writing and likely changes to the ways in which user assistance is delivered. We asked: Are we moving beyond documents? If so, what does this mean for technical communicators? Part 1:… Read more »