Survey results: Which future trends interest a typical Technical Author?

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey into trends in technical communication. Below are some graphs illustrating the responses to some of the questions we posed. Which topics do Technical Authors want to know more about? How important is it for you to be aware of the future trends in user assistance and… Read more »

How important is video to Technical Authors?

Internet Psychologist Graham Jones addressed this question in his most recent weekly email. He said: Video is everywhere online. Indeed, YouTube is now the second biggest search engine, according to recent figures. When people can’t find what they want on Google, they turn instead to YouTube to find an answer, before they head off to… Read more »

Turning a Technical Author’s work on its head

Q. What’s the most popular wiki in the world? A. Most people know the answer to this: It’s Wikipedia. Q. What’s the second most popular wiki in the world? A. It may surprise you to know that it’s WoWWiki, a wiki comprising over 250,000 articles and information. It may also surprise you to know it’s… Read more »

What price Technical Authors?

Kevin Kelly has predicted on his blog that ebooks will drop in price to 99 cents: I am having trouble convincing myself why digital books will not cost 99 cents within 5 years. All books, on average. Just as the price of music does not in general change on the length or quality.Here’s a reason… Read more »