Workflowy Help by email

Workflowy is a one-list-to-rule-them-all organization tool that takes an unusual approach to providing User Assistance. Like with many other Web applications, the site contains a “how-to” video and a list of keyboard shortcuts. However, it also sends users an email that’s essentially the information you’d expect to find in a user guide or online Help file:… Read more »

New – Affective Assistance and marketing writing services

Cherryleaf’s announced a new service today – Affective Assistance and marketing writing services . With technology becoming part of everyday life, sometimes the traditional approach to writing user documentation just doesn’t meet users’ needs. It can be the case that the formal and succinct approach to writing User Assistance isn’t right for users of your product… Read more »

New review of “Trends in Technical Communication”

Phil Stokes has written a review of our Trends in Technical Communication ebook in the Autumn 2011 edition of the ISTC’s Communicator magazine: Overall, though, this book does what it promises to do. It provides an overview of trends in technical communication and sets out a vision for the future. If you are wondering what skills… Read more »

Ellis to provide the keynote at Technical Communications 2011

Ellis has been asked to provide the keynote presentation at Technical Communications 2011, which is being held Tuesday-Thursday this week. The original presenter is unable to attend, so the ISTC has asked Ellis if he could step in and present on topic – “The role of Technical Communicators today”. The conference presentations will be videoed.

Cherryleaf Technical Author survey 2011 – in words

Last month, we conducted an online survey that 226 Technical Authors completed. We also conducted some in depth interviews with UK Documentation Managers to get a better insight into the responses. Below is some feedback we received. Why user guides are not published on Web sites The main reasons we heard why user documentation was… Read more »