Policies and procedures writing – New virtual classroom course

We got there in the end. We’re now running policies and procedures writing training in a new, virtual classroom, format. The course teaches delegates how to create clear and effective policies and procedures. It’s delivered using Microsoft Teams, in two three-hour sessions, on consecutive days. We’re looking at delivering an open/public course in January 2021… Read more »

What should we teach Support staff about technical writing?

We’re going to be running a technical writing course for a client where the delegates are from the Support department. This means we have had to consider what we should teach Support staff about technical writing. We sent the delegates a pre-course questionnaire, asking them what they’d like the course to cover. I thought it… Read more »

Our article on moving classroom training online

With the COVID-19 lockdown, many organisations have had to stop providing classroom-based training. As the restrictions are loosened, will it come back? Will it be as popular and as common as it has been in the past? Here is a link to a PDF copy of an article Ellis wrote for the latest edition of… Read more »

Making Fire and Rescue Service policies and procedures consistent with the National Operational Guidance Programme

Fire and rescue services in the UK have an opportunity to improve their policies and procedures by building on the National Operational Guidance Programme (NOG) that is now produced centrally by The National Fire Chiefs Council’s Fire Central Programme Office. The Fire Central Programme Office has described NOG in this way: Operational guidance is what… Read more »