Here are the slides the panel put together for the Adobe Day Europe discussion on “Assisting the millennial user – challenges and opportunities in the decade ahead”. We didn’t get time to cover all of the topics in the time we had available (unfortunately some of the previous speakers overran their time slots).
Tag: Technical Author
New vacancy: Junior Technical Author/API Documentation Writer, City of London, £28K DOE
This is an opportunity to join a technical writing team within a fast-growing, independent software company. Our client develops Web-based financial trading software for the world’s largest financial institutions. They have an immediate vacancy for a Junior Technical Author/API Documentation Writer with a passion for technical communication. You will developing end-user documentation for a range of… Read more »
Technical writing career paths in the UK
Here are the slides on “Technical writing career paths in the UK”: [slideshare id=20870657&doc=technicalwritingcareerpathsintheuk-130509103535-phpapp02] Thanks to everyone who contributed.
New job vacancy: #4133 Technical Author, City of London, £32K-£37K DOE
This is an opportunity to join a technical writing team within a fast-growing, independent software company. Our client develops Web-based financial trading software for the world’s largest financial institutions. They have an immediate vacancy for a Technical Author with a passion for technical communication. You will developing end-user documentation for a range of products, producing… Read more »
To which socio-economic class do Technical Authors belong?
Class is one of those aspects of life that still seems to cause a lot of fuss in the UK, and the BBC has generated a great deal of interest today with The Great British class calculator: Traditional British social divisions of upper, middle and working class seem out of date in the 21st Century, no… Read more »