Is there gender bias in your Technical Author job advert?

Simon Morisawa-Bostock pointed me towards an article on gender bias in job advertisements (You Don’t Know It, But Women See Gender Bias in Your Job Postings): A scientific study of 4,000 job descriptions revealed that a lack of gender-inclusive wording caused significant implications for recruiting professionals tasked to recruit women to hard-to-fill positions underrepresented by women. Researchers… Read more »

Contract Technical Author needed for June projects…possibly

May and June are shaping up to be very busy times at Cherryleaf, and we may be looking for additional people to work with us on some of our software end user documentation projects. If you are a London-based Technical Author interested in a few weeks work in May and June, do contact us.

Book review: Every Page is Page One

There’s a joke in education along the lines that students are taught the notes their teachers wrote down at university 20 years earlier…without going through the heads of either. I mention this because there have been a number of technical communicators who have started to question the technical writing best practices that have been taught… Read more »

What would a Technical Author ask from Santa?

Saint Nicholas’s day has passed, which means Christmas is getting close. So what would a Technical Author ask from Santa Claus? One thing we could request is the ability to embed one Google document inside another. That would mean that Google Docs could support some basic content reuse. Another would be to request Madcap Flare’s… Read more »

Changing times in technical communication 2 – Workflow

We’ve been on the road in recent days and weeks, visiting different documentation teams, and we’ve found there are distinct signs of change. In this post, I’ll look at how we’re starting to see the workflow for creating User Assistance beginning to change. We found many documentation teams overstretched and starting to be asked how… Read more »