RoboHelp 11 review (finally)

Adobe released its latest version of RoboHelp Version 11 (and Technical Communications Suite 5), a while back and asked if we could write a review. There have been a number of excellent reviews, so we’ve been wondering what extra we can say. We’ve decided to address some of the questions we’re often asked by organisations when they’re… Read more »

How does DITA compare to a Help Authoring Tool?

One of the key questions when considering moving to the DITA authoring standard is: how is it different from what I have today? If you create technical documentation using a Help Authoring Tool, such as Flare or RoboHelp, you’ll probably want to compare DITA to these. It’s not as easy a question to answer as… Read more »

If you need a Technical Author who knows RoboHelp

If you need a Technical Author who knows RoboHelp, then Cherryleaf can help. Our Projects team and many of our contractors have skills and experience in using RoboHelp to create great content for your users. Contact us if you’d like to know more.