For Episode 53 of the Cherryleaf Podcast, Zoe Rose talks to us about User Experience. Transcript How are you? Yeah fine thank you a lot colder than you I suspect So I keep seeing the news reports about the heat in Australia it’s pretty hot It’s toned down a little bit at the moment where… Read more »
Tag: podcast
Podcast 52. Should I join a professional body?
For Episode 50 of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at the reasons why technical communicators join their professional bodies.
Just before the release of Episode 50 of the Cherryleaf Podcast (a podcast on becoming a better technical and business communicator), we saw our 10,000th download. According to LibSyn, the median podcast episode on their platform gets roughly 200 downloads. So we’re average! Most of our listenership comes, we suspect, by word of mouth or… Read more »
Podcast 50: The Mathspeak project
For Episode 50 of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we talk to Tony Grice about the Mathspeak project. The Mathspeak project is a partnership between European educational practitioners and the creators of educational materials. Funded by the European Commission, the objective of the Mathspeak project is to produce a language learning resource for secondary school students. The learning materials… Read more »
Podcast 49: Should you specialise? Interview with Tom Johnson
Is there a trend toward specialisation, and is this driving up the value of technical knowledge instead of writing skills? We talk to Tom Johnson, who is well known for his website