The best book I’ve read in 2012 wasn’t written for Technical Authors. It wasn’t even published in 2011. It was written by one my fellow speakers at the STC Conference in Chicago, and it was one that was the most thought provoking books I’ve read this year. One of the subjects it explores is curiosity:
Tag: book
Book review: Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate
I was sent a review copy of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate: A wiki as platform extraordinaire for technical communication, by Sarah Maddox. It’s about using wiki technology for developing and publishing technical documentation, using the Confluence platform, the emerging trends in the creation of User Assistance and, in places, chocolate. The book is aimed at three… Read more »
Book review:”The Content Pool”
I was sent a review copy of Alan J. Porter’s latest book, The Content Pool: Leveraging your company’s largest hidden asset. It’s a well written book that’s ideal for anyone who is uncomfortable about the way their organisation creates and manages its written content, as well as anyone who simply wants to manage their content in… Read more »
New review of “Trends in Technical Communication”
Phil Stokes has written a review of our Trends in Technical Communication ebook in the Autumn 2011 edition of the ISTC’s Communicator magazine: Overall, though, this book does what it promises to do. It provides an overview of trends in technical communication and sets out a vision for the future. If you are wondering what skills… Read more »
We’ve just published an ebook called Trends in Technical Communication – Rethinking Help
We’ve just published an ebook called “Trends in Technical Communication – Rethinking Help“. Many people in the field of software and technical communication are asking: Couldn’t we do a better job at helping users when they get stuck? This 762 page book is a collection of articles and selected extracts from books that have looked… Read more »