Being Agile in technical documentation – Part one

Two years ago, we wrote a number of posts, and an Adobe-sponsored whitepaper, on Agile and its effects on technical communication. This topic was picked by others, including Sarah O’Keefe and Mattias Sander, who made further suggestions. We thought it was time to revisit this topic, and expand on some of the issues raised. This is… Read more »

Towards an Agile authoring methodology – webinar recording

You can now watch the recording of our webinar on “Towards an Agile authoring methodology”, via Adobe’s website. Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that creates new challenges for those involved in providing User Assistance for those products. See: Towards an Agile authoring methodology webinar recording  

Planning and running a documentation sprint

Atlassian’s Sarah Maddox has posted her slides from her STC Summit 13 presentation “Doc sprints: The ultimate in collaborative document development”. It’s a useful description of a documentation sprint and its benefits: [slideshare id=20367566&doc=stcsummit2013-presentation-sarahmaddox-docsprints-130501174640-phpapp01] Contact Cherryleaf if you’d like help and assistance in managing a documentation sprint.

You can now download our white paper “Towards an Agile authoring methodology”

You can now download our Adobe-commissioned white paper “Towards an Agile authoring methodology” via Adobe’s website. Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that creates new challenges for those involved in providing User Assistance for those products. See: Towards an Agile authoring methodology