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Microsoft to develop document translator for blind
Tue Nov 13, 4:44 AM ET Reuters – Microsoft and the DAISY digital talking books consortium are to work together on a tool for the blind and otherwise print-disabled that translates Microsoft Word documents into a digital audio standard. The two organizations said on Tuesday the collaboration was aimed at producing a free, downloadable plug-in… Read more »
Now we are five
Cherryleaf was founded 5 years ago tomorrow. It seems like only yesterday that we were discussing potential company names, selecting an accountant and getting the legal documents drawn up. From the beginning, we were aware that we needed a business model that would work in a increasing global, internet connected, world. I’ve just started to… Read more »
Last night’s Networking event
Last night’s networking event was very enjoyable, with the discussion moving from Swiss national service, Canadian accents to finding the best DITA authoring tool for creating online Help. For once this month, it didn’t rain in the evening. On another note, our Web site and email was down for a little while this morning. It… Read more »