MadCap Software has now released the shrink-wrap version of Flare. Flare is a new help authoring tool, created by the original developers of RoboHelp, that will appeal to users of RoboHelp. It includes support for new Vista Help format from Microsoft. Cherryleaf will be offering Flare training courses in the UK and Europe.
Category: Uncategorized
Get the unique Cherryleaf toolbar
Cherryleaf has been developing an Web Toolbar for technical communicators. Please download and install the toolbar here. It offers: Instant access to our site from any site on the web Search from anywhere on the Web Check your Email – Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail and POP3Check job vacancies in one click Notification of new Blog postings… Read more »
Complexity causes 50% of product returns
Elke den Ouden, of the Technical University of Eindhoven, has found in her thesis that half of all malfunctioning products returned to stores by consumers are in full working order, but customers can’t figure out how to operate the devices. Product complaints and returns are often caused by poor design, but companies frequently dismiss them… Read more »
Using documentation in businesses to prevent losing customers
Would anyone value an article on using documentation in businesses to prevent losing customers? Is it just of passing interest or a real problem for others?
A Help file that makes money
Developing Help files that generate revenue – This doesn’t sound like something you’d be interested in?