New training course – Structured writing

Just before the 25th December, we released our latest online training course. It’s on the fundamentals of structured writing. The course looks at non-automated structured writing, XML structured writing, and database-driven structured writing. It forms part of the Advanced Technical Writing Techniques bundle. If you’re subscribed to the advanced bundle already, you don’t need to… Read more »

Registration is now open for our first policies and procedures course in 2019

Registration for the next public policies and procedures writing course is now open. This course will be held on Tuesday 22 January 2019 in central London (WC2R). Learn how to create clear and effective policies and procedures on our popular one day course. See: Policies and procedures writing course Tuesday 22 January 2019

Cherryleaf’s online techcomm courses are now accessible via an app

The Teachable iOS app enables you to access our online technical communication courses on your iPhone or iPad. You’ll still get the best experience using a desktop computer, but this app means you can access the course at other times. The courses are available both online and offline. At the moment, the app is only available for… Read more »

New technical copywriting training – course now open

We’ve just released a new online course – on technical copywriting. Learn how to write create clear and effective copy for software and other technical products. When you’ve been given the task of writing marketing content, the content you create can have a great impact on how many people take an interest in your company…. Read more »

Registration is now open for our next policies and procedures course

Registration for the next public policies and procedures writing course is now open. This course will be held on Wednesday 29th August in central London (WC2R). Learn how to create clear and effective policies and procedures on our popular one day course. See: Policies and procedures writing course 29 August