A re-recording of our webinar “Delivering documentation in a downturn” is now available to purchase for a nominal fee via our online shop. This 30 minute presentation is for people who must manage documentation projects with limitations on their budget and personnel. Among the things it covers are: How the recent economic downturn and signs of recovery… Read more »
Category: Training
The infinitely reusable document
Alongside Education and Publishing, Design is a profession from whom Technical Communicators can learn a great deal. The BBC TV series, The Genius of Design, looked at new trends towards green, “cradle to cradle”, design, where components in objects are designed to be capable of being stripped down and reused infinitely. I’ve never head anyone… Read more »
Your online grammar reference guide
We’ve added a link on our Web site that will take you to the online grammar reference guide offered by Grammar to Go. Built for business, Grammar to Go is your personal grammar specialist, ready to answer your questions wherever and whenever they arise. It is very popular with professionals who spend their valuable time correcting… Read more »
Training programme for managers of documentation teams: an update
Earlier in the year, we asked a number of people in the technical writing community for their thoughts on what should be included in a training programme for managers of documentation teams. We received a lot of great ideas and ended up with a list of over 60 potential topics. We’ve initiated the development of some… Read more »