Here’s an update on the training workshop we’re currently developing on how to use the iPad and other tablets as a device for delivering documentation. The trainer’s slide deck has been completed and is out for review. Once that’s been signed off, we’ll check the timings and determine if this is a half or full… Read more »
Category: Training
Training workshop on using the iPad (and other tablets) as a documentation device
We’re considering running a training workshop on how to use the iPad and other tablets as a device for delivering documentation. The primary focus will be on the iPad, but we can also cover what’s possible on Android tablets. If there is sufficient interest, then we’ll run a course. We’ll cover items such as How… Read more »
Cherryleaf’s online induction technical author course gains ISTC accreditation
This Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) has today accredited our £175 Technical author basic/induction training course. As this is an independent assessment of its quality, we’re delighted to have this course accreditation. The ISTC’s reviewers provided us with a lot of feedback. This was more than a paper exercise and Technical Authors are… Read more »
The Trends in Technical Documentation Talks – strategy seminars and debates
Inspired by Dr Aleks Krotoski’s Connections talks at the Royal Institution, Cherryleaf will be curating and hosting The Trends in Technical Documentation Talks during 2012. At these sessions, there’ll be a presentation from a respected member of the Technical Communication profession, plus the opportunity to network with your peers. Each talk will be hosted by Cherryleaf… Read more »
Do readers learn from Help files and user guides?
Towards the end of 2008, Nick Shackelton-Jones, when he was working at the BBC, commissioned a project to research how its staff experienced learning in “the Web 2.0 world”. It lead to the development of the BBC learning design toolkit: The end result is something which incorporates some familiar elements of thinking about learning, with some new… Read more »