The business benefits of DITA – in graphic novel form

We’ve put together a free illustrated guide that explains the business benefits of the DITA authoring and publishing standard. It’s suitable for Technical Authors and non-Technical Authors. You’ll find this guide is in graphic novel (or comic) format, comprising 18 colour pages. You can download the guide from the Cherryleaf website in EPUB, PDF and… Read more »

Which problems were the creators of DITA trying to solve?

We’re currently working on updating our DITA Basics training course. It’s likely we’ll offer the course as an self-study online course, a classroom course, and as a live tutor-led course delivered over the Internet. In carrying out this exercise, we realised that there was a need to answer some basic, fundamental, questions. So let’s look at some… Read more »

Delivering training live and online – some lessons learnt

Yesterday, we completed our first live, online training course. Even with a lot of testing before the course, there’s nothing like doing something for real. The good news is the course went well, and we’re happy to deliver further training courses online with the same technology. Having said that, there were a few lessons learnt.

Please take part in our brief survey on technical communications training

Please take part in our brief survey, and share your thoughts on training courses relating to technical communication: Cherryleaf Training Survey There are eight simple questions, and it should only take a couple of minutes to complete. It will help us understand what training technical communicators want, in order to improve their skills. Thank you!