Why your Web content is like Doctor Who

Doctor Who is a popular British TV science fiction series that is celebrating its 50th anniversary later this year. So why is it like your Web content? Let us explain. Regeneration is a part of life One of the reasons why Doctor Who has managed to be popular for so long is due to the… Read more »

Towards an Agile authoring methodology – webinar recording

You can now watch the recording of our webinar on “Towards an Agile authoring methodology”, via Adobe’s website. Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that creates new challenges for those involved in providing User Assistance for those products. See: Towards an Agile authoring methodology webinar recording  

TCUK 13 presentation: Planning user documentation when you are a startup business

We will be presenting “Planning user documentation when you are a startup business” at the Technical Communication UK conference in September. We’ll look at how to plan a user documentation project when you’re working for a startup technology company. Working in this environment gives you the opportunity to work “from a clean sheet,” but it… Read more »

What’s the best way to deliver distance learning for technical communicators?

You’ll find our latest post for the Society for Technical Communication on its Notebook blog. It’s called What’s the Best Way to Deliver Distance Learning for Technical Communicators? One of the most frequent questions we’re asked at Cherryleaf is if we can deliver our advanced technical writing techniques course as a distance learning class. We only offer… Read more »