This Autumn, we’ll be in a number of cities around England, meeting up with people involved with content strategy and technical communication. This is a great opportunity to tell us what you’re involved with at the moment, pick our brains, or discover more about our services. You never know – if you have a content-related… Read more »
Category: Technical Communication
Where is User Assistance going? A summary of the bloggers’ thoughts
There’s been quite a few blog posts recently by a variety of bloggers and companies about the current state of User Assistance (such as online Help) and possible ways it could be improved. We thought it might be useful to provide a summary of all the different ideas floating around. This summary primarily looks at… Read more »
What can Star Trek tell us about the future of technical communication?
It’s amazing how much of the future technology in Star Trek has already become reality. The computer tablets used by the crew in Star Trek Next Generation seemed almost fanciful when we first saw the show, but, by next year, it’s predicted the majority of US households will own a tablet. So what other technologies… Read more »
Slides from the Adobe Day Europe discussion on “Assisting the millennial user – challenges and opportunities in the decade ahead”
Here are the slides the panel put together for the Adobe Day Europe discussion on “Assisting the millennial user – challenges and opportunities in the decade ahead”. We didn’t get time to cover all of the topics in the time we had available (unfortunately some of the previous speakers overran their time slots).
Proving your technical content is the most important content on your website
In yesterday’s post, How technical content on the Web is turning traditional marketing strategy on its head, we discussed the importance of technical content to today’s marketing funnel. You might be thinking, show me more evidence.