We’ve been on the road in recent days and weeks, visiting different documentation teams, and we’ve found there are distinct signs of change. In previous years, most documentation managers have effectively been saying to us their organisations weren’t really clear about the value of documentation. As the Technical Publications team usually amounts to less than… Read more »
Category: Technical Communication
Our next Advanced Technical Writing Techniques course – 2 December
We’ve scheduled another Advanced Technical Writing Techniques public course – on Monday 2nd December. Discover the advanced new writing styles emerging in technical communication. Don’t get left behind: past clients include technical communicators from Citrix, IBM UK, Lloyds Banking Group, Sage plc, Schlumberger and Visa International. To book your place, see Advanced Technical Writing Techniques… Read more »
Notes from Planning user documentation when you are a startup business
Dr Chris Atherton has kindly sent me a copy of her sketch notes outlining my presentation at Technical Communications UK 2013.
Planning user documentation when you are a startup business
Here are my slides from last week’s Technical Communications UK 2013 conference, called “Planning user documentation when you are a startup business”:
Are your user manuals (and any other content) ready for Google Glass?
Google Glass, a wearable computer with a screen above the right eye, goes on sale in 2014. Glass is almost certainly going to be used to support maintenance and repair calls, providing technicians (and other types of user) with the ability to access manuals and discuss situations with remote colleagues. So are your user manuals,… Read more »