Where are all the technical writers?

Editor’s Note: Introducing a new guest blogger to Cherryleaf’s blog: Dr. Tony Self of HyperWrite. Where are all the technical writers? I have often wondered why there are so few technical writers in the world. In my country, Australia, the Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates there are over 2,000 technical writers within the total workforce of 11.65… Read more »

Technical writing career paths in the UK

Here are the slides on “Technical writing career paths in the UK”: [slideshare id=20870657&doc=technicalwritingcareerpathsintheuk-130509103535-phpapp02] Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Should Technical Authors be allowed to work from home?

With the recent media attention on Yahoo’s announcement that it is banning its staff from “remote” working, we thought it might be useful to look at the case for and against Technical Authors working from home. The case for allowing remote working They can do their jobs more productively without interruption from others. When Technical Authors… Read more »

Technical Authors and the dark art of persuasion

Our latest post for the STC’s blog has been published today – Letter from the UK: The Dark Art of Persuasion. The reason why Science and the dark art of persuasion interested me, was because we’re noticing the techniques of persuasion appearing in some Web-based Help. Indeed, we cover some of these techniques in our advanced… Read more »