Could Zuberence be used in technical documentation?

Zuberance is a hosted service for encouraging user generated content. Although aimed at creating “Brand Advocates” or “Customer Evangelists” and a “Volunteer Salesforce”, maybe it could be used to create user generated support. What do you think?

FrameMaker Training courses

This week , we’ve also added some new FrameMaker training courses (for the UK only, I’m afraid). These include: FrameMaker Basic/Intermediate, FrameMaker Advanced, Structured FrameMaker,Creating EDDs and Importing and Exporting SGML/XML.

MadCap Flare Training courses

Today, we’ve updated details on our MadCap flare training courses. These are offered as either a Web-based or classroom based course. Ginny and Carol will be attending the upcoming course being run by Madcap’s Mike Hamilton, as part of their MadCap Flare Instructor certification.

New AuthorIT Training courses

We’ve added two new AuthorIT training courses this week. These are self-paced courses that allow you to master AuthorIT at your own pace. One course is AuthorIT training for users, the other is AuthorIT training for Administrators.

RoboHelp and the Tipping Point

On Saturday, I was speaking at the STC regional conference in Birmingham, where I was told that Adobe’s RoboHelp team members were planning to come the UK. They want to meet the “movers and shakers”, and that the person organising the UK end (who is not an Adobe employee) thought we should be at that… Read more »