Planning and running a documentation sprint

Atlassian’s Sarah Maddox has posted her slides from her STC Summit 13 presentation “Doc sprints: The ultimate in collaborative document development”. It’s a useful description of a documentation sprint and its benefits: [slideshare id=20367566&doc=stcsummit2013-presentation-sarahmaddox-docsprints-130501174640-phpapp01] Contact Cherryleaf if you’d like help and assistance in managing a documentation sprint.

TCUK 13 presentation: Planning user documentation when you are a startup business

We will be presenting “Planning user documentation when you are a startup business” at the Technical Communication UK conference in September. We’ll look at how to plan a user documentation project when you’re working for a startup technology company. Working in this environment gives you the opportunity to work “from a clean sheet,” but it… Read more »

You can now download our white paper “Towards an Agile authoring methodology”

You can now download our Adobe-commissioned white paper “Towards an Agile authoring methodology” via Adobe’s website. Agile development is a way of managing IT development teams and projects that creates new challenges for those involved in providing User Assistance for those products. See: Towards an Agile authoring methodology

New University of Oxford research shows surprisingly high numbers of out-of-control technology projects

Research conducted by two Oxford academics (Why Your IT Project May Be RiskierThan You Think) has suggested that the private sector has almost as much difficulty managing big software projects as the public sector. It also indicated that some types of projects have put companies’ survival at risk. Whereas government departments can experience almost permanent… Read more »