Pre- and Post- Brexit procedures examples

Below are two proof of concept examples of a policy document. In these examples, the selling old mobile phones topic contains a filter for pre- and post- Brexit information. Users can use the filter option to switch between both versions. The benefit of doing this is because the reader doesn’t get overwhelmed with information, and the… Read more »

Brexit and the impact on organisational policies and procedures

With the triggering of Article 50, the United Kingdom is likely to be out of the single market in two years time. It will be able to set its own regulations within the United Kingdom, but will almost certainly have to follow EU regulations when trading with EU27 countries. This means organisations will have to manage… Read more »

Brexit – Managing the impact on your policies and procedures

No one yet knows what impact Brexit will have on how UK businesses operate. It seems very likely that the way they export will change. There is a good chance there will be forms to fill in, and other steps to complete, in order to get goods, services and people across borders. This will mean policies… Read more »

Decision making guides

We’ve added three short and simple guides to the Cherryleaf website: Do I need DITA? Do I need a Technical Author? Do I need to write a new policy?

The curious case of Erskine May

Erskine May is the name of the book that describes the rules, conventions and procedures for the United Kingdom’s parliament. The book has become part of the uncodified constitution of the United Kingdom, and it is effectively the staff handbook for the Members of Parliament and the Lords. However, you’ll find very little about the… Read more »