New courses added to the Advanced Technical Communication training course bundle

There are now 10 courses that form part of the Advanced Technical Communication training course bundle. That’s because we added a course on Structured Writing in December, and we’re adding a course on UI/UX text writing. For the UI/UX writing course, we’re experimenting with taking an Agile development approach, and releasing the modules as they are produced…. Read more »

Vacancy – #4189 Contract API Documentation Writer, London

One of our partners has asked if we can help them find a contract API Documentation Writer to document a new payment gateway. You’ll be writing API integration guides that will be used by small to medium sized businesses (a slightly less technical than a developer audience). Like many companies, they like the documentation style… Read more »

Importing API reference documentation into a MadCap Flare project

Last year, we blogged about creating an API documentation portal using MadCap Flare (see also: Example of API documentation portal using MadCap Flare). Since then, a number of people have contacted us to ask for more details on ways to do this. We’ve put together a video outlining the different approaches and issues. This approach can work with… Read more »