For more details: Advanced technical writing & new trends in technical communication training – 20th October
Cherryleaf Blog
Towards content lakes
One of the trends in both data and content management is the move away from silos. In data management circles, there is a trend towards the collection and aggregation of customer data into “data lakes”. According to Margaret Rouse, a data lake is: A storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its… Read more »
Hyperbaton and the unwritten law of order of adjectives in English
Mark Forsyth’s description of hyperbaton (putting words in an odd order) in his book “The Elements of Eloquence” is the subject of a tweet that is currently trending on Twitter: Things native English speakers know, but don’t know we know: — Matthew Anderson (@MattAndersonBBC) September 3, 2016 “opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose” See also: Making Rhetoric Relevant
New online MSc in Technical Writing
The Department of Computing at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) has announced new online Masters degree in Information Design & Development for 2016-17, together with a certificate and a postgraduate diploma. There aren’t any undergraduate or postgraduate university courses in the UK for technical communication, so online courses in other countries can be an alternative solution. In comparison to the technical… Read more »
SankeyTextualVariant: Visualisation software for comparing texts
Professor Martin Paul Eve of Birkbeck College, University of London, has released, for free, the visualisation software that helped him compare the texts of the novel Cloud Atlas. It displays the differences as a Sankey diagram. It’s intended to be used for comparing contemporary fiction, but it may have uses for analysing other long documents. See: SankeyTextualVariant… Read more »