Microsoft is in the news for claiming its artificial intelligence (AI) technology can now recognize conversational speech slightly better than humans who do so professionally. Its technology now has an error rate of 5.9%, which it claims is the same as a trained transcriptionist. That equates to roughly one error every 20 words. So does this mean the… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
Cherryleaf’s Ellis Pratt has been included in Mindtouch’s top 200 recognized Content Strategists for 2016
Here’s the badge to prove it 🙂 See
Reviewing and Editing Technical Documents Course – Update
We’ve started work on the next course to be added to the WriteLessons bundle of online training courses – “Reviewing and Editing Technical Documents”. In this situation, we may try an experiment and release each module as it is completed, rather than publish all the modules in one go. The modules will be: revising, editing, copy… Read more »
New classroom-based API documentation training course
Last month, we were asked by a client to deliver our API documentation course to their team as a classroom course. Following on from that, we are now able to offer this one-day course to other companies, in this manner. The course currently varies from our online API documentation course. It includes more content on… Read more »
We’re looking for examples of badly written content to use on a course
We’re working on our latest online training course, which is about post-writing and revising technical documentation, and we’re looking for examples of bad content we can use for the course exercises. If you know of anything we could use, please let us know by email.