Here’s a trend that didn’t make our list of predictions for 2017 – having company policies and procedures accessible via an Application Programming Interface (API). API is a term used to describe mechanisms that allow an application to access data or functionality provided by another application, system or service. For example, if your policies and procedures were… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
This is where Cherryleaf’s classroom courses are held
On pretty much on every classroom training course we run, the delegates comment on the place where we hold our classes. It is a nice building, as you can see from the flythrough below:
We’ve put together a showreel of our elearning courses in technical communication
We’ve put together a short, 52 second, showreel-cum-promo video for WriteLessons, our collection of elearning courses in technical communication:
Beta release of our Revising and Editing Content course
We’ve just published, as a beta release, our latest e-learning course: Revising and Editing Content. It covers the following topics: Editing Revising content Revising tools Editing and revising exercises Getting your content reviewed The relationship between editors and writers Revising and Editing Content is available as part of WriteLessons, which provides you with access to a range of e-learning… Read more »
Predictions for technical communication in 2017 and beyond
Our predictions for 2017 are…the same as they were for 2016! Having said that, there are a few adjustments we can make to the comments we made last year. Below, you’ll see our 2016 predictions In italics and some thoughts for 2017: As documentation becomes to be seen more as part of product design, so… Read more »