Should you develop a comic instead of a user guide?

Listeners to BBC Radio Four this morning heard a report that a new study by researchers at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) discovered comics are a better educational resource than traditional textbooks. In a related article, called How the humble comic book could become the next classroom superhero, SHU’s Paul Aleixo explained: “We found that the use of… Read more »

Which type of platform is best for developer documentation?

At the Write The Docs event in London last night, Gergely Imreh presented’s approach to customer-driven docs – documentation as self service support. is a software company that provides Linux containers to the Internet of Things. It sees itself as a support-driven organisation, and so documentation is very important to them. The discussions at the… Read more »

Is documentation a dirty word?

Daryl Colquhoun has written an article in tcWorld about the international standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512. He explained the standard is going to be revised and renamed: from “Systems and software engineering – Requirements for managers of user documentation” to “Systems and software engineering – Requirements for managers of information for users”. The reason for this, he states, is… Read more »

GDS publishes its new design for technical documentation

The Government Digital Service has been working on establishing a standard design for its technical (i.e. developer) documentation. This content is for systems architects, developers and users of the GOV.UK platforms and APIs. You can see an example at: GOV.UK Platform as a Service Cherryleaf was given a preview of the new design a few months… Read more »