New training course – Writing skills for developers

Today, we’ve released our latest training course – Writing skills for developers. The course teaches developers the key skills of technical writing for software user documentation. Although it would be better for a professional technical communicator to write the end user documentation, for some organisations, this isn’t always possible. It is for developers who: Need a solid… Read more »

Breaking down the marketing and techcomm content silos – not as simple as it seems

Over recent years, we have seen many presentation on how marketing and technical communications content shouldn’t sit in separate “silos”, never to be shared between each department. Unfortunately, it’s not simply a case of getting both to agree to share content. In the book Selling the wheel, Jeff Cox and Howard Stevens tell the story of… Read more »

User documentation in Agile – Learning from the Lean Methodology

From the Cherryleaf Podcast: User documentation in Agile – Learning from the Lean Methodology. This is a recording from the Agile the Docs mini-conference held on the 5th December 2016, London UK. It explores the tools, processes and challenges documentarians have in an Agile development team. Sorry, the audio quality isn’t great.

What is the minimal amount of user documentation you should write?

In researching what developers wanted to learn about writing documentation for users, the most common issue related to how much, or how little, they should write. One developer said: “I would want to know what is the minimum I should write. If you can persuade me what is the necessity of each thing I’m capturing, and… Read more »