AI and chatbots in technical communication – A primer

It seems likely artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-driven chatbots will play a key role in helping users in the future. So what does this mean for technical communicators and for User Assistance? This podcast is based on an article we’ll be posting to tekom’s Intelligent Information blog. The article is currently out for review, and… Read more »

1-1 networking meetings at the British Museum

At Cherryleaf, we’re happy to have 1-1 networking meetings with people and offer some free advice for software companies. As many people prefer to meet in central London, we hold London 1-1 meetings in the Members’ Room of the British Museum. We also use the Engineering Hub at the Institution of Electronics and Technology, next… Read more »

Cherryleaf 2017 European technical communicators survey results – Part 3 Other Salaries

Here are some more findings from our recent survey of European technical communicators. These relate to non-UK salaries. We didn’t get enough data to draw many conclusions, so we’ve provided the responses in the table below. We converted all of the salaries to Euro, to make it easier to compare.

Cherryleaf 2017 European technical communicators survey results – Part 2 UK Salaries

Here are some more findings from our recent survey of European technical communicators. These relate to UK salaries. Most of the people who responded to our survey were based in the UK, so we are able to look at these in more detail than other countries. UK salaries We asked people to describe their seniority… Read more »