In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at the pros and cons of using PDFs.
Cherryleaf Blog
Podcast 54: British English and American English with Prof. Lynne Murphy
In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, Lynne Murphy, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sussex, talks to us about some of the differences between American and British English. We discuss her book “The Prodigal Tongue” and her blog “Separated by a Common Language”.
Podcast 53: User Experience (UX) with Zoe Rose
For Episode 53 of the Cherryleaf Podcast, Zoe Rose talks to us about User Experience. Transcript How are you? Yeah fine thank you a lot colder than you I suspect So I keep seeing the news reports about the heat in Australia it’s pretty hot It’s toned down a little bit at the moment where… Read more »
New courses added to the Advanced Technical Communication training course bundle
There are now 10 courses that form part of the Advanced Technical Communication training course bundle. That’s because we added a course on Structured Writing in December, and we’re adding a course on UI/UX text writing. For the UI/UX writing course, we’re experimenting with taking an Agile development approach, and releasing the modules as they are produced…. Read more »
Podcast 52. Should I join a professional body?
For Episode 50 of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at the reasons why technical communicators join their professional bodies.