In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at the different types of platforms you could you use for an intranet.
Cherryleaf Blog
Antora as an intranet platform
Antora is a fairly new open source static site generator, aimed at Technical Authors who prefer writing in AsciiDoc than Markdown. SitePoint describes a static site generator as: A compromise between using a hand-coded static site and a full CMS (such as WordPress or Confluence). You generate an HTML-only website using raw data (such as… Read more »
Podcast 65: Making ReadMe files more engaging, with Shwetha Madhan of VMWare
Shwetha Madhan works as an Information Developer for VMware, in Atlanta Georgia. She recently worked on a new approach to the release notes for the Workspace ONE product, where VMWare effectively turned them into a powerful marketing tool. They achieved a 7-fold increase in their click through rates (CTRs) by implementing a new tone of voice and engagement… Read more »
Vacancy: #4192 Contract API Technical Author, Central London, 4 months
Revised description: Our client is looking for a Technical Author to help them create a developer portal that will support the organisations that use their APIs and SDKs. You will help them develop the documentation: API reference documentation Ideally, the SDK documentation The SDKs are used by their partners to build mobile apps written in… Read more »
How you could make your Help topics appear at the top of the Search Engines
We’ve just uploaded a video on “How you could make your Help topics appear at the top of the Search Engines”. It’s about, which Google is promoting as the way to get instructional content to appear in the snippets box. There is a longer version of this video in Cherryleaf’s Advanced Technical Writing… Read more »