I was told last week that: 60%-80% of the life time cost of software occurs after the sale is made, and 10% of that is down to poor documentation. I’ve been trying to track down the original source of this information and it appears to come from Dr Roger Pressman and some Dept. of Defense… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
It’s our birthday
November marks the end of our third year in business and the start of Year Four. Thank you if you have been a customer or a supplier of ours during the past three years. If you have not been a customer, you probably won’t feel that connecting with us will help you directly. And that’s… Read more »
A nice email to receive
We received this email last night from one of our clients: “Hi Carol, This is just an email to say what a productive and useful day I had working with Justin. He was an inspiration to me and I now feel that we have a very positive way forward with our application that meets all… Read more »
24 October 2005 emails
Our mail server went down on Monday 24th October. If you sent us an email and haven’t received a reply, then please resend your message. We’re sorry for any inconvenience.
How well do you trust your users?
Do you trust your users to write your documentation? The answer is, probably not. It is not unknown for software developers to fear that their users become, at times, stressed and angry with their software. This can lead to a more difficult relationship between you and your customer, with clients who decide to walk away…. Read more »