We’ve come across a service that constructs high-quality XML documents from PDF documents.
Cherryleaf Blog
Presentation – How to find a job through networking
Ellis Pratt will be making a presentation on “How to find a job through networking” to the ISTC London Area Group. It will take place on Wednesday 14th. June at 7 p.m, in Putney. Contact us for more details.
Tech Writing 2.0 – Faceted Tagging
Siderean Software has created a Web site that demonstrates how its software can be used for faceted tagging. This enables users to re-order search results by ten different categories. To help you make sense of Tech Writing 2.0 Cherryleaf offers workshops on Tech Writing 2.0. Contact us for more details.
New job opportunities
April has certainly been busy on the jobs front. We have opportunities for 13 technical authors in the East Midlands (12-month contract), 8 freelance trainers throughout the UK, a permanent account manager/project manager for a documentation role in Herts and for a systems administrator in Cambridge. We also need a training project manager in Bristol.
Funding technology/software start-ups
A contact of ours has access to £500 million of venture capital, and he is looking to invest it in high risk, high return, start-up companies based in Europe. If you would like to be put in touch with him, then do email us and we’ll make the introductions.