Technical Author Training

We’re putting the finishing touches to two new online courses. Realistically, we’re likely to “go live” in January. Watch this space! Also, Carol Johnston is now a Certified Flare Instructor. We should have a second Flare trainer certified this month. We’re not aware of any other certified Flare trainers in Europe, apart from Cherryleaf’s.

TICAD 2006

I spent yesterday at TICAD 2006, exhibiting and speaking at the conference. There were some really good speakers this year. I liked Tom Fitzgerald’s suggestion of taking one question from the support team that isn’t documented and calculating the costs for handling these calls. For one client, he’d extrapolated the cost for all the gaps… Read more »

What makes a good user document?

That’s the question I’ll be asking myself this week. I have been asked to be a “remote judge” for a technical communication competition. In the judging guidelines it states: “Two judging criteria are basic in the competitions: – Judge the work the contributors actually did.– Judge how well the work does what it is intended… Read more »

Be careful what you post to the Web!

According to a survey by (, 26% of recruitng managers say they have used Internet search engines to research potential employees. Of those who used Internet search engines to research job candidates, 51 percent did not hire the person based on what they found. Of those who used social networking sites to research candidates,… Read more »

Tech writing 2.0 – Graphics with hotpsots

Zooomr is a photo sharing application that offers picture in picture zooming and audio narration attached to files. Zooomr also lets you define who or what is in a photo so that later on, you can find photos containing that person or object. It’s accessible in 18 languages.