Weve added the first DVD to our online shop – a home study writing course, call WriteNow! This workshop is presented by Mindy Gibbins-Klein, the “Book Midwife”. Mindy is an expert in helping people publish the book inside them. Cherryleaf has worked with her on “BusinessWise”, a book which will be released in March 2007…. Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
Web 2.0 research
We’ve been contacted by a team that is doing a research project with the business school at one of the London Universities. They are looking to do in-depth interviews with people who as “early adopters” use the tools of web 2.0 to market their business. They’ll be interviewing us about this and about our business… Read more »
FrameMaker Training courses
This week , we’ve also added some new FrameMaker training courses (for the UK only, I’m afraid). These include: FrameMaker Basic/Intermediate, FrameMaker Advanced, Structured FrameMaker,Creating EDDs and Importing and Exporting SGML/XML.
MadCap Flare Training courses
Today, we’ve updated details on our MadCap flare training courses. These are offered as either a Web-based or classroom based course. Ginny and Carol will be attending the upcoming course being run by Madcap’s Mike Hamilton, as part of their MadCap Flare Instructor certification.
New AuthorIT Training courses
We’ve added two new AuthorIT training courses this week. These are self-paced courses that allow you to master AuthorIT at your own pace. One course is AuthorIT training for users, the other is AuthorIT training for Administrators.