Policy and procedures come in different forms: half-page statements, one page flowcharts, and long sets of instructions are three examples. Just as there are all kinds of policy and procedures, so there are different kinds of policy and procedure writers. Each has a unique set of skills and experience, and they tend fall into common… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
Project completion: The Mathspeak project
Customer confidentiality and NDAs mean that we’re rarely able to announce the completion of a project. So we’re delighted we’re able to do this for the Mathspeak project. About the project The Mathspeak project aims to provide non-native language speaking students with the means by which they can do maths better. When students study mathematics… Read more »
Quiz: What type of technical writer are you?
Modern-day software technical communication comes in many different forms. Developer portals, knowledge bases, instruction guides, onboarding guides, online Help, and UI text are just some examples. Just as there are all kinds of technical communication, so there are many kinds of technical communicators. Each technical communicator has a unique set of skills and experience, we… Read more »
What is your developer portal’s KPI score?
We’ve created another new quiz! Take this two-minute quiz to find out how your developer portal scores against key KPIs. On top of that, we’re going to give you our top three tips for developer portal success! Take the quiz: What is your developer portal’s KPI score?
What is your policies and procedures KPI score?
We’ve created a new quiz. Take this two-minute quiz to find out how your polices and procedures score against key KPIs. On top of that, we’re going to give you our top three tips for policy writing success!