Our client is looking to recruit a Technical Author/Writer to document the internal systems infrastructure and applications used by its international team of developers. The company is operating a Work From Home policy to July 2022. You will be expected to work in their office from that point on, although some remote working might be… Read more »
Cherryleaf Blog
Podcast 116: What should startups consider when writing their first docs?
If a startup came to you asking for a checklist of actions they should take/consider when it comes to writing their first docs, what would you tell them? We asked that question on Social Media. In this episode, we reveal what people said. Get the ultimate user onboarding content checklist for start-ups
Podcast 115: Creating Learning and Development content with Flare (interview)
Unexpected bonus August podcast episode! We spoke to Jennifer Morse, Vice President of Customer Success at MadCap Software, about the new Learning and Development features that have been included in latest release of MadCap Flare. More information: New Release: MadCap Flare 2021 r2 Bridging the Gap Between Technical Authoring and Learning & Development Webinar recording:… Read more »
Updated and now free – Trends in Technical Communication training course
We’ve just updated our Trends in Technical Communication elearning course. We ran the course for a few years as a classroom course, and we then produced an elearning version for our Cherryleaf’s intermediate/advanced technical communication training bundle. We’ve decided to make available for free to everyone, so that people can experience one of our elearning courses… Read more »
Get the ultimate user onboarding content checklist for start-ups
If you know us, you know we love a good checklist. So when it comes to perfecting onboarding (and other user guidance), why wouldn’t we use one? We’re going to walk you through eight areas for assisting users. This checklist is for you to troubleshoot and examine, and so that you can get the successful… Read more »