Failure in technical communication

JK Rowling made a great commencement speech recently at Harvard University – on the topic of failure. Failure is something that stalks the world of technical authors. Failure affects our clients. Users often have to feel they have failed before they call up online Help. It is said that Microsoft nearly renamed “Help” in Vista,… Read more »

Trends in Technical Communication – Peering into the crystal ball

I’m starting to think about a conference presentation I have been asked to make later this year. Sometimes, our talks are about “big picture” issues, such as “what makes a good technical author?” or “what’s the value of documentation?”, and I’m currently considering whether I should talk about the future trends in technical communication. The… Read more »

Open source economics

In this video, Yochai Benkler explains how collaborative projects like Wikipedia and Linux represent the next stage of human organization. Is he right? Could the same economic rules be applied to the technical writing projects, where there is a large user base?