How can we make online Help as natural as breathing?

One of the themes of every Help related conference is that some users are reluctant to use Help. Help, as a word, implies failure and, it is said, Microsoft spent a lot of time trying unsuccessfully to come up with a better word to use. Recently, I was pointed towards a presentation by Professor Dan… Read more »

What’s brewing with MadCap and DITA?

MadCap are sending out a mailing to its database today with the words: MadCap DITA10-29-08 The link sends you to the MadCap Web site, but provides no other information. I guess we’ll have to wait a week until we know more.

UA Conference Notes

Last week, we attended, exhibited and spoke at the UA conference Europe 08. It was probably the best conference I’ve attended. 1. There were some excellent case studies from Sonia Fuga of Northgate, Rachel Potts and Brian Harris of Red-Gate Software and Matthew Ellison (concerning IBM). Northgate’s approach of using WordPress for ratings and commenting… Read more »

Augmented reality gets closer

Earlier in the year we blogged on Nokia’s plans for augmented reality and how it could be used for user assistance. Developments are moving apace, as can been seen by this demonstration from Japan:

The rights of the technical reader

At the Roald Dahl museum there is a poster on the wall entitled “The rights of the reader”. It’s a wonderful ten point manifesto drawn up by Daniel Pennac in his book of the same name. Unfortunately, the poster appears to be no longer available for download from the Walker books Web site, but it… Read more »