Author-it 5 self-study training course launched today

We’ve added two self-study training courses in Author-it version 5 today – one for Author-it users and the other for Author-it Administrators and Users. This year, we’ve also introduced a classroom courses in RoboHelp 7 and FrameMaker 8, and we’ve launched an updated version of our DITA training course. We’ve another course in development and… Read more »

The paradox of the guided user: assistance can be counter-effective

Christof van Nimwegen’s PhD dissertation, “The paradox of the guided user: assistance can be counter-effective“, concerns how software affects brain processes. According to news reports (I’ve not read it yet), he claims a great deal of software turns us into passive beings, subjected to the whims of computers, randomly clicking on icons and menu options…. Read more »

Super MadCap quite fantastic; are other tools atrocious?

With the imminent release of DITA support in MadCap Flare, will competing Help authoring tools (HATS) suddenly seem inadequate to the task of technical writing? Where does this leave Adobe’s RoboHelp? I suspect it will be difficult technically and commercially (Adobe also owns FrameMaker) for Adobe to add DITA support into RoboHelp. If writers are… Read more »