Our next policies and procedures writing course will held on on 15/16 March 2022.It will be delivered using Microsoft Teams. The course teaches you how to create clear and effective policies and procedures. For more information, see: Policies and procedures writing training course
Cherryleaf Blog
Podcast 121: What are the skills needed for developing a developer portal?
In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we look at the skills needed for developing a developer portal. We also talk about our new e-learning course “Creating API documentation and developer portals”, and Google’s recommendations for the content needed on a developer portal. Transcript This is the Cherryleaf podcast. Hello and welcome to the latest… Read more »
Thinking of Carol Johnston
Today marks ten years since Carol Johnston, one of the founders of Cherryleaf, passed away. We still miss her, and she is in our thoughts.
Podcast 120: Lessons learnt in 2021
Happy New Year! We posted this question on social media: What lessons have you learnt over the last 12 months? Working from home, wins, losses, mindset, managing the pandemic etc. In this episode of the Cherryleaf Podcast, we go through the responses, and reflect on what was said. Here is a summary of responses: … Read more »
Podcast 119: Trends in technical communication for 2022 and beyond
It’s that time of year for us to gaze into our crystal ball and share your and our predictions for the future of technical communication for 2022 and beyond. Via LinkedIn Wouter Veeken Software/API Tech Writer at Booking.com Unprecedented talent shortages Robert Powers Senior Technical Writer Leading to more automation of basic writing/editing… Read more »