Managing a documentation project successfully – more jelly and ice cream

This video on simplifying business, using the metaphor of organising a children’s party, made me smile and consider how successful documentation projects are managed. The presenter is suggesting managers need to, in complex systems, give up rigid control from above. Instead, they should watch for organisational patterns, encouraging the good and discouraging the bad. The key to managing a documentation project… Read more »

Did technical documentation play a role in the White House’s decision to move to Drupal?

The reasons for the White House’s decision to run its Web site,, on the open source content management system Drupal are being discussed on various Web sites. Alongside Drupal’s functionality, flexibility and openness, some are suggesting that Drupal’s documentation was also a key factor for deciding to use this system.  One commenter said:  For a big project… Read more »

Managing a documentation project – a guide (and a test of Camtasia)

This a short video overview of managing a documentation project. It’s something we put together as a test of some of the functionality of Techsmith’s Camtasia software.