Cherryleaf welcomes our guest blogger, Derek Bishop

We’re pleased to welcome a guest blogger to Cherryleaf’s blog: Derek Bishop. Derek is CEO of Abeo Consulting, a consultancy that specialises in customer satisfaction: helping organisations significantly improve customer service and increase customer loyalty. Derek will be talking about his experiences and thoughts on customer satisfaction.

If your business ever has to stand in front of a judge..

If your business ever has to stand in front of a judge, you may regret believing the documentating of procedures didn’t matter. When things go wrong, people ask “where’s it written down?” You’ll find them looking at what’s documented to see where the blame lies.  If it’s not written down, or if it’s unclear, then the… Read more »

Slightly off topic: 5 steps to seducing someone with chocolate

Fraser Hay is a business growth expert, with whom, from time to time, we have a chat. After each conversation, we come away with a better focus for Cherryleaf’s marketing efforts. During our most recent discussion, Fraser said we weren’t focusing enough on the pain our prospective clients may have. Sometimes, we forget to talk about that, and blather… Read more »

Translating and localizing documents – Cherryleaf interview with Lloyd International

Below is an interview between Ellis Pratt of Cherryleaf and Jill Fifoot of Lloyd International. In the interview, we discuss localizing and translating technical documentation. See also our Translation Services.