As part of my prep for my presentation on user documentation as a more emotional experience for the user, I revisited this presentation by Kathy Sierra. This hasn’t ‘made the cut’ into my presentation due to lack of time, so I thought I’d post it here.
Cherryleaf Blog
Turning knowledge into wisdom
By guest blogger Malcolm Tullett There are four steps to wisdom: 1. Acquiring data 2. Turning the data into information 3. Using the information to gain knowledge 4. Applying wisdom to the use of that knowledge. The current health and safety legislation and guidance has an abundance of data – and some of it is… Read more »
Is your corporate knowledge at risk?
By guest blogger Malcolm Tullett Every organisation contains knowledge, but how well does your business handle it? Is there a single place of truth where everything that is needed resides – or do you lose information when someone leaves, is away on holiday or sick, or moves up to a higher position? More to the… Read more »
Please welcome guest blogger Malcolm Tullett
We welcome our latest guest blogger, Malcolm Tullett. He runs a fire, safety and environmental consultancy and training company called Risk and Safety Plus, and is the creator of PROPA. Malcolm’s mission is to spread the word that risk and good business are not mutually exclusive – they are simply two sides of the same coin. He’ll… Read more »
In the studio this week: An e-learning course on creating Web sites that get your message across
We’re working on project with Lesley Morrissey of Inside News to develop some online training courses on creating Web sites that get your message across. Inside News runs traditional classroom workshops on this subject, and now it wants to create online versions in order to be able to offer them around the world and reduce… Read more »