Authors – this is what happens when all your hard work goes off to the printers: Quite a change from past.
Cherryleaf Blog
Learning technical writing in twenty minutes
In January 2011, a Westminster girls school ran an event showcasing professions that use written communication skills. They asked if somone from Cherryleaf could talk about being a Technical Author. We decided the best way was to take parts from our training writing courses, and teach them about technical writing. Here’s what we covered: This… Read more »
Our client’s fire risk assessment report generator goes live this week
In the UK, every building, apart from private single dwellings, needs to be assessed for fire risk every three years. To do this, a fire risk assessor will assess the building and write a report on their findings and recommendations. For offices, these reports can be 30 pages long, and it can take an assessor… Read more »
Need a Confluence or Mindtouch developer?
Cherryleaf has skills in developing and creating content for Confluence based systems, and we’re developing our skills in this area for Mindtouch Technical Communications Suite as well. We’re available to work on your project. Contact us if you’d like to know more.
The SEO benefits of Web-based Help – case studies
Web-based product documentation is often the quickest way to learn how to resolve an issue, and we can see this from statistics provided recently by both Mindtouch and Atlassian. Mindtouch is reporting organic searches account for almost 60% of referrals to its client Autodesk’s WikiHelp product documentation community. Online Help is also the number one… Read more »