Do readers learn from Help files and user guides?

Towards the end of 2008, Nick Shackelton-Jones, when he was working at the BBC, commissioned a project to research how its staff experienced learning in “the Web 2.0 world”. It lead to the development of the BBC learning design toolkit: The end result is something which incorporates some familiar elements of thinking about learning, with some new… Read more »

New software that might interest Technical Authors

Here are some new tools we’ve found that might interest Technical Authors. Google Ripples Google Ripples is a tool that enables you to watch how posts get shared on Google+. If you publish user assistance or support information via Google+, it could help you track how far and wide it gets distributed. It could also help… Read more »

Our colleague Carol

Our colleague Carol Johnston (one of the founders of Cherryleaf) has decided to take long term sickness absence. Our thoughts are with her at this time.

Failing to understand

Words of wisdom in the latest newsletter from Internet psychologist Graham Jones: I’ve been an Associate Lecturer and examiner at the OU (Open University) for 12 years now and each year it amazes me how some candidates do brilliantly and other miss the point of the questions entirely. Often it’s nothing to do with ability… Read more »