Funeral arrangements for Carol Johnston

The funeral for Carol Johnston will be held held at 2.15pm on Tuesday 31 January, at chapel at Oxford Crematorium. Our office will be closed on that afternoon. It will be a Humanist service, with singing from Carol’s choir. All are welcome, but Carol’s partner has asked if we could let him know anyone who… Read more »

The guilty pleasure of writing policy and procedure documents

We have a number of projects running at the moment that involve us improving organisations’ policy and procedures documents. It may not seem likely, but these projects are enormous fun. The best analogy I can find is that it’s like rearranging someone else’s record collection. Or in a more modern setting, it’s like creating a… Read more »

Technical Communication’s top influencers

Mindtouch has compiled an updated list of the most influential techcomm bloggers. The top six most influential bloggers are based in the USA; Cherryleaf’s Ellis Pratt comes in at No. 7, making him, according to this list, the most influential techcomms blogger in Europe. It does conjure up images of someone stroking a white persian cat in… Read more »

The Maker generation, hacking and why user documentation suddenly becomes important

One of the emerging trends in the 2010-2020 decade is the emergence of the ‘Maker Generation’. According to The Economist: The maker movement is both a response to and an outgrowth of digital culture, made possible by the convergence of several trends. New tools and electronic components let people integrate the physical and digital worlds… Read more »