How do you measure the effectiveness of operations manuals and other procedures documents?

When reviewing an organisation’s procedures documents, there are a number of key factors we look at. These relate to the value of the document itself, how it is structured and the clarity of the content (i.e. the words and sentences). One way to rate these factors is by a simple red, amber, green traffic light… Read more »

Free ebook on selecting the right Technical Author to recruit for your organisation

The Recruiting Services team at Cherryleaf has created a a free eBook that provides help and advice on recruiting a Technical Author. It provides the answers to the most commonly asked questions relating to recruiting a Technical Author (such as salaries and the skill sets to expect). The eBook is free; it’s available as a… Read more »

The Lean user guide

It was suggested I read The Lean Startup, by Eric Riess. This book outlines how principles of Lean manufacturing can be applied to startup businesses, and software businesses in particular. For startups, it’s about how to figure out the right thing to build – that people will pay for – as quickly as possible. I’m still reading it, and so far, it is very good.

It begs the question:

Where does user documentation fit in a Lean startup, and can the principles of Lean be applied to User Assistance?

Categories: Agile, Lean, project management, ROI, Technical Author

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